🎃 Thackery? Thackery Binx?


October 28, 2021

Around 11pm last Halloween, a black cat began meowing loudly and pawing at my front door. 

Obviously, I assumed he was a 16-year-old boy trapped in a kitty’s body, Ă  la the 90’s classic Hocus Pocus.

I could practically hear him calling for his sister, “Emileeee!”

To this day, the film remains digital comfort food. 

Financial therapist Lindsay Bryan-Podvin suggests we rewatch movies we love as a way to support our mental health. 

While new movies are fun, our brains don’t know what to expect, she explains, “rewatching an oldie provides a level of certainty that many of us are missing these days.”

Lordy, can I relate.

What I’m hearing from my colleagues—therapists and coaches from across the country—is that we're all craving more stability. Folks are struggling right now.

Operating in such uncertainty for 20+ months makes it hard to find motivation and sustain connection. Clients and friends tell me they’re treading water, struggling to get basic things done. 

At the beginning of the pandemic, I wrote to y’all that “We can do hard things.” 

Today, my thinking is, “We can do hard things, and it’s easier together.”


Thackery? Thackery Binx?