My Own Medicine


September 27, 2021

Yesterday, I used more profanity than I’d like to I planned an event about joy. 

Some context: During these joy-focused events, I introduce participants to the concept of joy infusions – the practice of collecting little moments that make us laugh, smile, or feel warmth inside. To demonstrate, I always share examples from my own life. 

As I worked on compiling these moments of joy, I complained to my friend, “Mother [F-bomb] I just made a list last week, and now I have to make a whole new one. UGH.”

Oh wait. 

That’s literally the point. 

Moments of connection and delight tend to pass right by if we don't pay attention, especially if we don’t share them.

Talking about the session with my friend, I started out agitated as hell, depleted, stuck in a loop of frustration.

At the time, I’d describe my level of motivation as zero-adjacent...possibly negative?

With my friend’s support, I shifted my perspective to finding joy infusions, the small things that had recently made me laugh or smile.

It changed my mood and my motivation completely. Suddenly, we were laughing and chatting with ease. I put together a kickass agenda for today’s event that left me positively giddy.

A few sample joy infusions:

  • Found a lucky quarter on the sidewalk!

  • Halloween decorations popping up around my neighborhood, the tackier the better

  • My kid pulled my hair and told me “Sorry, Mama. It was an accident.” I explained how accidents are unintentional. Later that night he pulled my hair and said, “Sorry, Mama. It was on purpose.”

Imagine joy infusions like lily pads floating over toxic waste. We’re all stuck in the sludge, the challenges of living in the modern world.

Resting on these lily pads can offer moments of delight, a little respite from how hard things can be. 

They don’t make the sludge any less toxic, but they can help us keep going.

Shifting our mood is among the most potent tools for motivation, but it can be hard to do alone. Even for me – who teaches this stuff for a living! – it’s easier and more enjoyable to do together. 

So, what’s a recent moment that made you laugh, smile, or feel a moment of warmth inside?

Comment with one of your joy infusions! I’d love to hear from you.