“Non-Toxic Positivity”


August 30, 2021

Let me start by saying that my immediate family and I evacuated for Ida and are safe in Florida. Thank you for your concern, silly memes, and love.

After much reflection, I’ve decided that I’m still going to host tomorrow’s Joy Infusion. It's free, you're all invited, and I’m so looking forward to it.

These last few days, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’m calling “non-toxic positivity.” 

Toxic positivity silences negative emotion. It forces ourselves and others to pretend to be happy or look only at the bright side. 

Eff. That.

Non-toxic positivity honors the complexity and trauma of this moment while seeking out opportunities for joy and connection. 

Yes, please.

F​​eel free to come for all, part, or none of it.

If the Joy infusion doesn’t sound fun to you, or if you find yourself without the time, energy, or wi-fi connection needed, that’s totally fine! You’re lovingly uninvited.

If I had a magic wand, I’d absolve you of all guilt or FOMO on this topic. I’ll share a recording after and host more in the future. These are wild times.

Regardless of what you decide, I’ll share what my friend Jess told me, “Please take care — physically, mentally, and emotionally speaking. Take all the cares.“

We can do hard things and find moments of joy and connection in the process.

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