Big News and All the Feels


Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

The culmination of a full year of explicit effort...and basically my entire career is here! 

My new website, values, brand identity -- and negotiation course -- are ready for you to see.

[Check it out]

When friends and clients ask with excitement, “How’re you feeling as you share it out?”

I tend to tell them, “If you gave me a list of emotions, I’d circle them all.”

It’s been a wild ride!

Here’s what I know: I spent much of my career feeling like I was in a business lady disguise. My mindset was, “Oh god, please trust me. I’m a grown-up who knows stuff, I promise.”

The process of creating this new brand with my best friend* Laura Sanders (who also illustrated my book) was transformative, both personally and professionally. 

I realized people want to work with me in part because I’m playful and high energy, not despite it. 

That silliness was kinda zapped out of me by undergrad advisers who told me that dressing seriously was the only way to get taken seriously. By writing coaches in policy school who helped make my writing super profesh and utterly boring. 

I’d been unlearning those messages for years, but hosting Joy Infusion events throughout the pandemic and working with Laura felt like giving myself permission. It became even clearer on my retreat in Asheville:

We can be powerful and playful AF, y’all. 

The feedback I’ve gotten from my dearest friends and clients who’ve seen the new brand in action is, “It’s so very YOU.”

Instead of hiding in my business lady disguise on the new website, you’ll see me in my pink alligator earrings and full silly smiliness. 

You’ve been seeing more and more of my personality in my programs and in these newsletters. I’m delighted to share the full experience in the new brand and website with you. 

I’d love to get your thoughts, so just hit reply if you wanna share!

Cheers to being real, to being vulnerable.

Cheers to being powerful and playful AF.

Cheers to putting ourselves out there.

*status not a person